domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

URLS de acesso dos ambientes SOA:
Access the following URLs:

http://soaserver:8001/soa-infra/ - Para verificar status do Managed Server WLS_SOA1
http://soaserver:8001/soa-infra/ - to verify status of WLS_SOA1.

http://soaserver:8001/soa/composer/ - -Para verificar status do SOA process composer.
http://soaserver:8001/soa/composer/ - to verify status of SOA process composer.

 http://soaserver:8001/integration/worklistapp/ - Para verificar status da worklist application.
http://soaserver:8001/integration/worklistapp/ to verify status of the worklist application.

 http://soaserver:8001/b2bconsole/ - Para verificar status do B2B.
http://soaserver:8001/b2bconsole/ to verify status of B2B.

 http://soaserver:8001/sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui/ - Para verificar status do messaging system preferences
http://soaserver:8001/sdpmessaging/userprefs-ui/ to verify status of messaging system preferences

 http://soaserver1:8001/bpm/composer/ - Para logar no o composer application.
http://soaserver1:8001/bpm/composer/ and login to the composer application.

 http://soaserver:8001/bpm/workspace/ - Para logar no workspace application.
http://soaserver:8001/bpm/workspace/ and login to the workspaceapplication.

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by Oracle Online Documentation

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